My Journey...
I am Dr. Darnita or “Dr. Mom Baby.” I am married and have given birth to four children. My Holistic Mama and Baby journey started with my first pregnancy. I sought a midwife, had a natural birth, and bought organic baby food. My second pregnancy I still desired a water birth but ended up with two surgeries - an Emergency Cesarean and Brain surgery due to a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Brain Aneurysm. I’ve always been under Chiropractic care when pregnant and am sure that getting regular adjustments and leading a healthy lifestyIe is what made the difference in promoting a full recovery preserving my life and health. With the birth of my first son, I started seeking holistic remedies for his colds and making homemade cough syrup. I began to dive into learning about herbs and essential oils. I also started making my own baby food including one of my favorites, vegan ice cream.
Third pregnancy, with a pool set up and everything, no water birth, BUT I had a Homebirth VBAC. Also, I experienced a good deal of nausea, exhaustion due to anemia, and heartburn inspiring the creation of the “Oh Baby! Tonic.” I committed to cloth diapering and this is when I started making baby skin care products. My baby girl put everything in her mouth and I needed something safe enough for her skin, effective, AND wouldn’t be harmful if she ate it. Thus “Angel Dust Baby Powder” and “Bottoms Up Diaper Rash Cream" were born, My son was a toddler at the time and would have colds occasionally. With my knowledge of essential oils I created the Vapor Chest Rub. My fourth pregnancy resulted in a Homebirth AND Waterbirth (my dream experience)!!!!
Some say I’m a veteran now. I’ve had a “normal" hospital birth, an emergency Cesarean and aneurysm repair, a home-birth, a miscarriage, and finally a home water birth, along with all the feels of each of these experiences. I, like you, am interested in not only maintaining but optimizing my and my family’s health. I choose to use our body’s innate intelligence and healing abilities to accomplish this.
Dr. Darnita Henry


Why I became a functional health doctor
I became a functional health doctor for women, families, and children in order to help them achieve natural balance and wellness through the use of natural herbs and medicine. I believe that natural remedies passed down from generations of indigenous tribes can provide powerful healing and preventative measures. With this in mind, I want to make natural remedies more accessible by creating home Farmacies that are stocked with natural ingredients sourced ethically from around the world.
By integrating natural herbs and medicines into my treatment protocols, I'm helping my clients find physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Through personalized plans tailored to each family's unique needs, I'm able to provide guidance on the best natural remedies for their individual journeys toward optimal health. With this approach, I'm helping individuals and families find natural solutions that fit their lifestyles without compromising their well-being.
As a functional health doctor for women, families, and children, it's my goal to provide evidence-based advice along with resources so that my clients can better understand how natural remedies work in harmony with their bodies for healing. By focusing on prevention rather than symptom management alone, we can access our body’s natural healing power to create a sustainable path toward lasting health and well-being.

I believe in...
"No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature."
"Your Health is your True Wealth."
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”
"When Health is absent Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot become manifest, Strength cannot be exerted, Wealth is useless and Reason is powerless."
“Optimal Health and Wellness (and Sickness) begins in the mind.”