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21-Day Purification Cleanse

  • 13 Steps


Our 21-day purification program includes eating whole, organic and unprocessed foods and eliminating foods that may cause a concern in some individuals; taking supplements with whole foods and other ingredients; and drinking plenty of water. You will eat a variety of vegetables and fruit for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11.

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Medical Disclaimer
Be advised that any Functional Medicine, Nutritional and/or Chiropractic program suggested at Align Wellness Center is not intended as a treatment for any disease. The intent of any recommendation is to support the human body's structural, physiological, and biochemical processes. Dr. Darnita Henry of Dr. MomBaby is not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Align Wellness Center is not a medical office and does not submit medical insurance on your behalf. Before making any changes to your diet, prescription medications, lifestyle or exercise activities, make sure to check with your medical doctor first.

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