-1 teaspoon dried chamomile flowers
-2 cups of water
Chamomile has natural calming and soothing effects, helping to relax babies who are fussy and irritable. It can also help to improve digestion and reduce cramping.
Bring two cups of water to a boil in a pan, then remove from heat.
Add one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and let steep for 10-15 minutes.
Strain the tea into a cup or bottle for your baby to drink.
You can give the tea to your baby up to 3 times daily or as needed when they are fussy and irritable, allowing them a few sips of the tea each time.
For best results, combine chamomile tea with massage and other calming techniques to help soothe and relax your baby.
If you are breastfeeding, you can also drink the tea to help pass on the calming effects to your baby through your milk.
Discard any leftover tea after 24 hours of preparation.
Note: Please check with your health care practitioner before giving any herbal remedy to a baby. This recipe is suitable for babies over 6 months old.
Additional Tips:
You can also add a pinch of honey to the tea as it will help improve the taste and provide additional calming effects. However, do not give honey to babies under 1 year of age.
You can also use other herbal teas such as lemon balm, oat straw, and passionflower to help soothe and relax your baby.
Make sure to always check with your health care practitioner before giving any herbal remedy to a baby.
Avoid using sugar, honey or any other sweeteners when preparing herbal teas for babies.
If you are using fresh herbs, remember to double the amount for the same results.
For best results, give chamomile tea warm to your baby.
The calming effects of chamomile will last a few hours, so you may need to give more than one dose in a day.
Avoid giving the tea to your baby if they are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae family such as daisies, chrysanthemums, and ragweed.
Make sure that you buy organic, non-irradiated herbs for maximum benefits.
Always store dried herbs in airtight containers in a cool, dry place.
Do not give your baby herbal remedies without consulting your health care provider first.
This recipe is suitable for babies over 6 months old and should be used with caution. Please consult your health care practitioner before giving any herbal remedy to a baby.